Home The Official Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Site
The www.asp.net site is a portal site for the ASP.NET development community. From here you can download ASP.NET, download Visual Web Developer - a free web development tool, and ask questions on the forums."
The Official MicroSoft WPF and windows forum Site
Your place for Visual Studio and .NET articles, code snippets, discussions, news and the best bunch of developers on the net.
CodeGuru is about code. CodeGuru is about Gurus. CodeGuru is about so much more!
By seeing the you misunderstands But the site is for complete Asp.net
4Guys is an online resource site for ASP and ASP.NET information!
This site is for dot-net interview questions,jobs,tutorials,articles and it has the demo projects.This is very useful for the freshers to read the articles and tutorials and to see the demo projects
This is a community Web site for developers using the Microsoft .NET Framework. DotNetJunkies.com has been online since July 2000.
C# Corner is one of the leading community site where developers can share their source code, articles, tutorials, and discussions. Site has thousands of free source code samples, articles, tutorials, links, discussions
ASPAlliance served as a shared hosting site for distinguished ASP and ASP.NET professionals to publish content on their own mini-sites, kind of an early form of blogging. Much of this can still be viewed at
This site is famous for the web-technologies.This is useful for the Freshers.This site consists of HTML,XML,ASP,ASP.NET,SQL,JAVA SCRIPT.
Component Developer Magazine (CoDe) is on an aggressive growth path to become the number one Microsoft technology information resource, as reflected in our slogan, "Microsoft Technologies In-Depth for IT Managers and Developers."
The QuickStart Tutorials are the fastest way to understand what the .NET Framework technology offers leading-edge developers. Inside you'll find information about the most compelling features of the .NET Framework technology, including how to put them immediately to work for you or your company.
If you have really come to our site all the way through the web space, we can understand your desperation towards finding the code that you needed. If we have served your needs, we are the happiest because there is somebody who would like to use what we did. Our work and search doesn't go waste. The feeling is great.
BeanSoftware Posts Articles on ASP.NET Tutorials,ASP.NET FAQ, .NET Windows Forms,General .NET Framework
The largest Directory of ASP.NET Resources. Featuring extensive links to ASP.NET Tutorials, Tutorials, Examples, Code, Hosting, programming, basics, script, and more.
Active Server Pages: ASPWire - ASP News & Information Source
Devx is the leading provider of technical information and services that enable corporate application development teams to efficiently conquer development challenges and keep projects moving. We are committed to leading the market by offering customers timely, vital resources and superior services designed to enhance their efforts of applying new technologies and techniques
Welcome to DotNetSlackers, providing you with the latest .NET news and articles, free blogs to express yourself about .NET and active forums to ask for or give help.
Code101 provides material on Microsoft .NET technology.
ASP Help, ASP Tutorials, ASP Programming, ASP Code
The XML for ASP.NET Developers Website now offers online video tutorials that help you learn ASP.NET, AJAX, XML and Web Service concepts visually.
This site is dedicated to programmers all over the world. Our main goal is to provide a complete starting point for programming related web surfing, file downloading and interaction.
C# Help: Articles, Forum, Source Code
The Site is an online interactive .Net learning guide which makes smart interaction with the people to give best idea of their own through discussion and forum. It also helps the beginners and make them to learn .Net easily by using sample projects, coding standards, and coding snippets provided in this site. It provides idea for smart programming through best coding standards.
All connection strings accessible at one location. Find the syntax for your database connection and learn more accurate ways of connecting."
This site is my .NET v2.0 online home, where I try to create simple but helpful tools and share what I've learned in articles, forums, code, demos, and more. I try to focus on simplicity, best practices, architecture, and other advanced concepts, so you won't find yet another example of how to use a grid. I try to share some things freely with the community, including the WilsonWebPortal if you just want to use it as is and/or create your own modules
Developer Resource, Microsoft Programming, Visual Basic VB and .Net Development
.Net related Articles, Code and Resources
Discuss technology, web development, networks and more ...
Come to where the .net flavour is....
The Fundamentals of .NET
developerFusion aims to bring together developers all over the globe, whilst delivering top-notch technical know-how.
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