- A new platform for building Internet applications and Webservices
- Contains runtime, messaging, services, data access,interoperability, HTTP services, ASP+, and more
- Supports multi-language development Has a rich set of internet-supporting technologies
- A common class library with a standard set of classes whichall inherits from a base class called Object
What Does .NET Give You?
- Data access
- Functionality of the Win 32 API that is accessible through a
- simple object model
- The VB language has been upgraded
- C#
- Memory management
- Programming languages have been moved closer together
- Assembly
- the Common Language Runtime (for support of other programming languages)
- A collection of components that provide support for networking, security, and other "base" services commonly needed in distributed applications
- Windows Forms (WinForms) and Web Forms, rich Windows user interface components
- ASP.NET, a new version of Active Server Pages
- ADO.NET, new data access objects in the tradition of the original Active Data Objects
- XML Suuports
The .NET framework
Languages Supported by .NET
C# , C++ ,VB, JScript,Standard ML, SmallTalk, Scheme, Python, APL, Cobol, ComponentPascal,Eiffel , Haskell, Mercury , Oberon,Perl....
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